Monday, March 2, 2015

Meet The Armadillo Stroller from Mamas & Papas!

Even a parent extraordinaire only has two hands so it's imperative that the things they hold are truly useful. Enter The Armadillo Stroller from Mamas&Papas. Not only does it fold up but it does it with one hand. Because you know the other one is going to be full.

 This is the one stroller Landis' Labyrinth carries and we chose this one for good reason. Mamas&Papas is a British brand known for high quality, well designed products and this one is no different.
This stroller is has great reviews on various sites such as and and best of all, is recommended by

So if you are looking for a light weight, versatile, stylish stroller, stop by Landis' Labyrinth Early Years at 144 N Larchmont Blvd. and check out The Armadillo!

1 comment:

  1. Great post!!!!!! I have been checking in on you guys every now and again since I chatted via email with your sweet hubby about the Damu many moons ago. I am also a picky bargain hunter. :)
